Dear Fliers,
    I hope everyone had a wonderful and Merry Christmas! I am very pleased with how the races have gone after moving the loft to my home here in Idaho. Overall, the returns have been great from both the training tosses as well as the races. Now that we are approaching the New Year, most of you have your breeders paired up, and are hatching winners for the 2024 One Loft Races. I hope you will consider sending to Plymouth Peak Pro Challenge this upcoming year. I have decided to make a few changes for next year. The first change is Perch Fees. I am going to charge 2 separate perch fees. They will be as follows:

Beginning Perch Fee Due with the birds:

For every 2 birds send 1 for Free (Optional)

2 for $100 + 1 Free    8 for $280 + 4 Free

4 for $180 + 2 Free    10 for $300 + 5 Free

6 for $240 + 3 Free    12 for $360 + 6 Free

Ending Perch Fee: $75 Due for every bird that clocks on the Activation Race. (This includes the birds that had a free beginning perch fee.)

Races: I am going to do 5 Races this year instead of 6. Schedule still TBD. No worries I will still do 2 300-mile races.

I am going to do the point system again this year. I spent a lot of time going over race results comparing top Average Speed birds to High Point birds. Everyone is breeding for 300 mile+ race winners and my point system rewards those types of birds. That being said I have also decided to move the majority of the prize money to the final race. Last year roughly 50% of the prize money was paid out on the last race. I am going to put at least 75% of the prize money next year on the final 350 mile race. 

Entry fees will stay the same at $300

I will start accepting birds beginning February 15th.

Please reserve perches now. 

Please feel free to call or text me with any questions.