Dear Fliers,
Happy Father’s Day! We have right around 500 birds in the loft! We are truly grateful to all of you that supported us this year and sent birds. It really means a lot to us.
The birds are looking great and really starting to loft fly well. We have started forcing them up more often and for longer periods of time. We will really start flagging them more aggressively as soon as the last group of birds has been out a few times. We will also do a hand inventory next this weekend and check health, weight, and the chip bands on all the birds.
- This year’s Final Race will be 350 miles.
- This year’s 200 mile race station has been moved to 233 in a effort to get a better line of flight.
- At least 75% of the prize money this year will be paid out on the final race.
- The point system will be used again this year to award the top birds, and a few of the top average speed birds will get paid as well.
Race schedule for 2024 Races:
Activation Race – 110 Miles
Race 1 – 159 Miles
Race 2 – 233 Miles
Race 3 – 250 Miles
Race 4 – 312 Miles
Race 5 – 350 Miles
Activation Perch Fee: $75 Due for every bird that clocks on the Activation Race. (This includes the birds that had a free beginning perch fee.)
Entry Fee – $300
Please feel free to call or text with any questions.
Derik Alder (208) 380-0994